  • Mental Health and Wellness

  1. Provides a range of mental health and substance use services for Vancouver residents age 17 and over for non-urgent, urgent, and non-emergent intervention: goal is to provide optimal pathways for people to access the appropriate resources in a timely and clien...
  2. Provides adoption services, guardianship services, and child and youth mental health services. Office hours are 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4 pm Monday to Friday.
  3. Provides day treatment and educational services for children ages six to 12 who are living with complex developmental, behavioural, trauma, and attachment issues, and who are unable to manage in the regular educational system. Treatment aims to help children m...
  4. Provides urgent response (within 72 hours), short-term mental health service to children and youth ages five to 18 who are experiencing acute psychiatric or emotional crises. This could include suicidality and self-harm, suspected psychotic behaviour, risk ass...
  5. Odyssey IProvided by: BGC South Coast BC - AKA: old name Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC
    Substance abuse programs for Burnaby youth ages 12 to 24, and their families. Includes individual and family counselling, support groups as needed, educational workshops, skill development, recreation, peer support, and peer counselling. Prevention activities ...
  6. Pregnancy support centre that provides help for women and teen girls experiencing an unplanned or problem pregnancy. Christian-based service operates from life-affirming values, including the belief that all humans have intrinsic value from pre-birth to elderl...
  7. Offers free passes for rock climbing and free clinical counselling for children, youth, and their families from disadvantaged and low-income backgrounds; supports them to be active leaders and create successful communities. Provides free, unlimited passes for ...
  8. A free program supporting unemployed or underemployed youth ages 17 to 29 who experience stress, anxiety, low mood, or other mental health barriers to obtaining or maintaining employment. Program runs for five weeks with online workshops and training focusing ...
  9. Provides counselling services, a family resource centre, and a library. Registered counsellors and interns (Master's level practicum students) offer in-person, online, and phone counselling services to families, couples, and individuals of all ages on a variet...
  10. Youth and parents of youth who have a mental health challenge and or a substance use challenge connect with other youth, parents, and caregivers to offer support, mentorship opportunities, system navigation, and access to information, resources, networks, and ...
  11. Provides mental health and substance use information and resources, assistance navigating the mental health system, as well as free personalized support from parent peer support workers. Services are available to families across BC and Yukon with children and ...
  12. A tertiary care teaching and research facility operating as a provincial rehabilitation centre. Offers a wide range of services for children from birth to age 19 who have complex disabilities. Services are offered on an inpatient, outpatient, or outreach basis...
  13. Provides transitional housing support to youth, ages 16 to 24, of any gender who are homeless or who are at risk of homelessness. Participants work with staff to create a plan based on their goals to achieve long-term sustainable housing. Program offers a vari...
  14. 14-bed residential treatment facility for young men and women, ages 16 to 24, who are suffering from anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, and other eating disorders or disordered relationships with food. Offers 24/7 care and support from a multi-disciplinary team ...
  15. An alternate education program for vulnerable youth ages 15 to 19 (Grades 10 to 12) who are at risk of dropping out of school or who have already dropped out. Integrates academics with therapy, outdoor adventure-based learning, and community involvement. Progr...
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